Listed below are the regional prayer groups. For more information contact us.
We regularly have prayer gatherings in Berlin.All are welcome to join. The regional prayer is led by Nitin Babu George. If you would be interested in joining, please contact in the below mentioned link.
Every 3rd Saturday a prayer meeting is organised in the region. This Group is led by Mrs. Susamma Chatheril. If you would be interested in joining,please contact in the below mentioned link.
We meet regularly for prayer gatherings in Hamburg. You are encouraged to join us. These prayer times are led by Mr. Anish Peter Jacob. If you would be interested in joining, please contact us.
Everyone is invited to attend the prayer gatherings that are held in Heidelberg. These prayer times are led by Mrs. Mini Varkey. If you would be interested in joining us, please contact us.
Our Prayer and bible study groups meets every month . All are encouraged to come and join us as we pray. This time of prayer is led by Mr. Cecil Varghese. If you would be interested in joining, please contact us.
Our Prayer and bible study groups meets reguarly . All are encouraged to come and join us as we pray. This time of prayer is led by Mr. Benson Philip. If you are interested in joining, please contact us.